In the
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, we believe, that along with the bread and
wine we are receiving the body and blood of Jesus, by which we receive the
forgiveness of our sins, the assurance of eternal life, and strength to live
the Christian life today.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th
We invite you to use the
following for self-preparation:
- I confess
that I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
- I believe
that God will graciously forgive my sins for the sake of Jesus.
- I believe
in the real presence of Christ’s Body & Blood in Holy Communion.
- With the
aid of the Holy Spirit, I promise to seek to amend my sinful life.
Those who are not yet prepared to
receive Holy Communion or are of a different faith tradition are welcome to
come to receive a blessing. Simply cross your arms across your chest indicating
you are there for a blessing and not to receive communion.
Gluten free wafers and non-alcoholic wine are available. Please let
the Elder or Pastor know of your needs during communion.